Google Analytics Comparison Dashboard - LISI

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Google Analytics Comparison Dashboard

June 22, 2023 | Template

If you just installed Google Analytics 4 (G.A.4), you will want to quality-check the incoming data. By connecting your data sources (Universal Analytics + G.A.4) to our Google Analytics Comparison Dashboard template, you can ensure that your data is up-to-date and accurate, providing valuable insights into your law firm’s performance.

While differences in data models exist between the two platforms, slight discrepancies are normal and should be considered expected. However, with this dashboard’s help, you can identify these differences and take corrective measures to enhance your data’s accuracy.

Use our dashboard to perform a quality check of your installation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your G.A.4 data to support your law firm’s goals.

Below is an instructional video to help you get started.

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